Thrift store finds. Lucy Mercer/A Cook and Her Books |
I love a good thrift store and with a hobby like blogging, I have a handy excuse to purchase the odd bits of china and linens that seem to gather on the shelves of my local bottom-dollar department store. On Monday, I gathered my girls and we went out for a pancake breakfast, followed by a trip to the thrift store for half-price Monday. As it turned out, breakfast cost a lot more than the shopping trip.
For less than $10, I brought home the china and linens pictured above, plus a nearly-new blouse for my teenager and a plastic game for my gradeschooler. My favorite purchase is the San Francisco souvenir plate, stamped "Made in Japan" on back. I found the exact same plate for $12.99 on Ebay, so the $5 I spent on it seems not so out of line.
San Francisco souvenir plate, made in Japan. Lucy Mercer/A Cook and Her Books |
I like these little hand towels and have a few I've acquired over the years (many from thrift stores!). They remind me of trips to the islands and the shops there - there's always a linen store with tablecloths and these hand towels.
Hand towel and teacup. Lucy Mercer/A Cook and Her Books |
My second favorite purchase has to be these napkins, and really, if I didn't get all eight for under a dollar, I might have passed over them. But they just belong with my s
ix pieces of Delta stoneware plates made by Pfalzgraff, don't they?
Delta linens. Lucy Mercer/A Cook and Her Books |
Are you a thrift store shopper? What's been your best thrift store find?
It has been years since we have gone "thrifting" or to yard sales. But while visiting our daughter who lives in Buckhead we went in the Goodwill on Roswell. I did find an athletic jacket for $5!
Love the blue/white SF plate ~ I have collected b/w china for years ~ my favorite being the "flow blue".
Love a good Goodwille store, too. I used to always make it a point to go to their annual book sale back in the day. Love blue china & glass!
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